Meg Kerr - Social Media Integration Manager at Mosaic Experiential Marketing
- Meg attended Western University for Media, Information and Techniculture, then Fanshaw for Broadcast Journalism.
- Meg got a job with Mosaic doing promotions across the country then basically created a job for herself in Social Media at Mosaic and has been doing that ever since.
- She loves learning new things, so social media is the perfect job for her, because it is changing everyday and you really have to keep up
What is Social Media
"Everyone wants to do it it. No one knows how. When finally its done there is surprise its not better " Avinash Kanushik (analytics evangelist at Google)
-You must find your objective - what exactly are you trying to achieve, then look at the social media toolbox and decide what is right for you...if social media is the right solution for you?
- Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio" Wikipedia
Why should I care?
Watch this video: Social Media Revolution
- I think it's safe to say that social media is here to stay
- It has fundamentally shifted the way people talk to each other
- That is why marketers really love working in this area
- Peer to peer can make a huge impact
Social media outlets
- Try and get objective first about what the companies want
- For example Meg has Nutella as a client and they wanted to create a community on facebook called the "breakfast table"
- A lot of investment was needed to get it started even though it is just a facebook ad
- They created a contest to kick off pages paired with a facebook ads
- You still need advertising to support your campaigns and this is a lot of money invested in other forms of advertising
Some Facebook advertising facts
- Can advertise based on location - i.e. Postal codes
- Facebook ads you can track who's clicking so you can optimize as you go
- Facebook ads are always more effective actually on facebook to drive people to your facebook page
- Facebook ads can target based on location, subjects, what people like, age
- Can get likes directly from ads
- Can go charitable angle - for every like 1$ gets donated etc. etc.
- Brands on facebook - if you have compelling content then make an update once a day but if you don't avoid posting all the time - people don't want to read low quality content because they you get unliked
- Avoid selling the clients telling them you will update the feed everyday, it should vary based on current promotions and interesting facts the consumer will actually find interesting
-Always remember your audience when writing, speak how they speak
-Mosaic is using experiential marketing to connect with their brands
-They run campaigns for multiple liquor companies and do things like the "Bud Camp"
-Mosaic is about offering deeper engagement, giving the consumer a 'reason to believe' through a more immersive experience, allowing the consumer to really engage and connect with the brand
In conclusion using social media to advertised really depends on who your target market is. If you target market uses social media, then it is probably a great outlet to advertise, and even then research into what they actually do on social media networks and what their interests are will determine how you should be advertising. Social media advertising is not for everyone, and you really have to have a good idea of what you will be getting out of even having a brand facebook page in order to be successful in your campaign.